Sunday, May 3, 2009

Recap on two amazing weeks in Quetzaltenango

Well, it´s been a good while since i´ve updated the blog, so i thought it was about time do so. As I´m writing this, I am still presently located in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. I have a cold and I feel like no, I don´t have Swine Flu....or at least I don´t think I do. I think it is just a head cold, so don´t worry my friends. However, it has kept me on bedrest for the majority of the past two days. I´m beginning to feel better though. Tomorrow, given that I feel up to the move, I´m shipping out for a two day stay at Lake Atzilan....a short two hour ride from here.

The past two weeks have been so much fun! I studied one on one every morning from 8:00 to 1:00 with my wonderful tudor, Theresa. Then in the afternoons, I helped out teaching English to some of the local elementary school students. The school I attended is called PLQE, short for a longer name known as Proyecto Linguistico Quetzaltenango de Espanol. It is a very liberal school founded after two young men were killed in Guatemala over 20 years ago. Throughout the weeks we had several conferences discussing different aspects of Guatemala´s history and where it is at today. A lot had to do with human rights and the fight for equality. It was super interesting. Everyone who studied here was very intelectual. It was overwhelming at times. My spanish definitely took a couple of leaps from where it has been, and I´m at a point now where i feel very confident and comfortable.

Every morning Theresa and I sat in this exact spot and conducted our little class...very informal, yet very effective. There was unlimited coffee, tea, and bread to eat. It was nice. We had a great time.

I developed friendships with several people in the school, but one of the oddest and most memorable/enjoyable was with Jim Silk, a 61 year old Yale Law Professor....ironically enough. The picture below is of Jim and I, on top of the Santa Maria Volcano, after a 5 hour hike to the top. Everyone else had already been at the summit for an hour, but Jim and I paced along at our own speed. The way up, we talked the whole way and stopped every couple of minutes because the 12,000 ft elevation was making us quite winded. But we finally made it! It was a neat accomplishment. After that, we spent several afternoons and evenings chatting and a real unique friendship developed between the two of us. He definitely mentored me a little bit about the upcoming years i´m going to face at law school....gave me advice on what to do and not to do...and has even offered to help me out in any way he can. I mentioned I might decide to transer to UF after my first year and he said a letter with the Yale Law School logo at the top wouldn´t cool is that!
I´m only a little more than two weeks away from meeting Katie in Cost Rica and I couln´t be more excited. Tomorrow, I have to leave all the friends I´ve made and hit the solo road again. I´m excited though for the next adventure!

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